Meet my neighbor, The High Line.
I fully realize that it’s, essentially, just an old railroad track with some well-thought-out landscaping, but, like most New Yorkers, there’s something about it that I find endlessly enchanting. It’s not nearly as manicured as Central Park and there’s no Shake Shack, like Madison Square. But, when the sun is shining, it’s completely packed. And, I understand why.
Lush, quirky flowers and amazingly colorful trees against an urban, industrial backdrop.
A place to sit and chill with a friend or a book, plus, lots of space to stretch out.
The High Line takes me from my apartment building straight to Equinox. Here, I emptied out my gym bag to show you a few of the things that I’m loving right now.
Ouidad Wave Create Sea Spray, for a blowout-free weekend. Aviators, funky scarf and sparkly bangles (similar here) for layering (and going incognito while super sweaty), post-workout. Katy Perry–because no workout of mine is complete without her. And, Tracy Anderson is a fitness inspiration–she may be tiny, but, who doesn’t want to look like that?! Got a few cool, new moves to mix up my routine from her piece in SELF.
Because, as they say: sometimes, you just have to stop and smell the roses. Even on the way to the gym.