Chelsea is the coolest neighborhood in Manhattan. And, not only because we have The High Line, Chelsea Market, Hudson River Park and, now, Wi-Fi everywhere (go, Google). But, because it’s a chic, sporty and artsy place where the avenues are wide, the dogs stylishly outfitted, the girls’ (and boys’) heels sky-high and the boutiques and galleries open late.
I always considered myself an east side girl, having spent most of my time, post-grad, there. At 30, I felt stuck and needed to change my energy–I decided to move. One winter Saturday, walking back from spin class through Madison Square Park, I got the call from a building in the heart of Chelsea. I signed the application 20 minutes later, fingers crossed.
A lot has changed since then. But, I found a new life on the west side.
Muléh: 500 West 22nd Street (@ 10th Avenue) /
Decidedly downtown coats, dresses, bags and booties.
The Habitat Shop: 143 West 19th Street (btw. 6th & 7th Avenues) /
Canvas espadrilles, totes and iPad cases with bright, wide candy-colored stripes.
The most precious, ladylike clothes. Resort collection: just in and so pretty!