Reebok Spartan Race Entry Giveaway:
Wanna do this?!
For the first time, I’m partnering with Reebok Spartan Race to get my followers (you) in on the action.
One lucky reader will will receive free entry for a Spartan Race.*
Five runners up will receive a special code for 15% off their entry.*
*For any open heat, in any Spartan Race within the continental U.S. from December 2013-December 2014.
There are a few easy ways to enter (and, you know that you want to…):
Here, on my site: Leave a comment on this post, so that I know where to find you.
On Twitter: Follow @FitGirlRachel & @SpartanRace and RE-TWEET my post to both, tagging #obstaclerace #giveaway
On Instagram: Follow RachelBeckerNYC, “like” & comment on my Spartan Race photo and I’ll see that you entered.
Winner and runners-up will be notified by November 26.
Reebok Spartan Race takes competitors back to our ancient roots–where running through the woods, getting dirty and facing adversity was part of everyday life. Developed by a trio of guys who completed IRONMAN, climbed Mt. Everest and completed intense military training, Spartan Race mixes road running and trail racing with crazy obstacles along the way. Watch the video here.
Want a sneak peek of what’s in store? Watch the World Championship Spartan Race on Saturday, December 7th on NBC.
This is a sponsored post, in partnership with Reebok Spartan Race.
Ok, but if I win, you’re doing it with me!
I hope to win! Thank you for the giveaway.
I follow you on Twitter and retweeted (@staticseth)
Cool-keep you posted this week!
I followed and retweeted on twitter
Thanks, stay tuned this week!
I want to be a Spartan again in 2014!
Thanks, keep you posted!