A few minutes into Jeremy’s class, we’re warmed up and here come the intervals. Eight seconds in the saddle, eight out, four back in, four out, two in, two out. Pushups: front, middle, bottom–down, up, down, up, then, side to side for the obliques. And, HELLO…I’m dying! He’s got an intensely fierce, down-to-business attitude on the bike, but, when I sit down with Jeremy after class, he’s incredibly soft-spoken and eloquent. A true southern gentleman.
Looking at him now, I was shocked when Jeremy told me that he’s the only man in his immediate family under 200 pounds. And, that he spent years as an overweight kid, growing up in South Carolina. But, then, he moved to New York City and everything changed.
Why he’s different: A classically-trained singer, having studied at AMDA/the College and Conservatory of Performing Arts on the Upper West Side, Jeremy was plucked from behind SoulCycle’s front desk for instructor auditions in 2010. Now, he teaches 13-16 classes per week and still finds the time (and motivation) to work out solo.
Before SoulCycle, Jeremy was a singer at a Russian nightclub in Sheepshead Bay, where crowd favorites included ballads by Lionel Richie and Stevie Wonder; he finds his own inspiration in the music of Josh Groban and Andrea Bocelli. In Saturday’s class, we did the upper body/free weights segment to a sweet, spiritual Whitney Houston medley.
Labels he loves: Though he generally opts for a “sleek, smooth and fitted” look, like the Zara men’s collection, he swears that fashion really isn’t his thing. He’s just a boy busy with other stuff.
Why he’s sweating, too: If you feel like you’re the only one dripping in sweat at Jeremy’s class, think again. He feels the burn every time he gets in the saddle, saying that SoulCycle riders “come expecting to be taken to a certain place and I have to take them there, we have to give people what they come for, it’s a lot of pressure.” But, somehow, I think that he’s totally up for the challenge.
Find your soul with Jeremy in Tribeca.
Wow always so amazing to hear the stories behind the SC trainers, you always feel like they have no worry in the world above getting you through a class.
Thank you for sharing.
I want more…
So inspiring!!!! I wish they had a SoulCycle in Coral Gables! But….with no candles.
Somehow I see myself catching my pants on fire and running through the class while ironically “THIS GIRL IS ON FIRE” is blaring from the speakers as if it were meant to happen….
Where was I? Oh inspiring!!!!!
xoxox lesli
Thanks, girls! Love that you’re lovin’ STRENGTH+Sole. We are riding at SoulCycle together this spring…?!
JUST booked my tickets! May 16-20! woop woop! xox
Yayayayayay. So, so, so excited. We are going to have the most haute spring EVER.
AGREED!!!!!!! XO
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